Articulation's 2016 Study Session in Gimli
Nov 12, 2016
1 min read
First stop out of Winnipeg on the way to Gimli was at Arnason's Icelandic Horse Farm.
One of the few places in the world outside Iceland where these distinctive horses can be found.
For more about these unique horses visit Articulation's blog
hereRock Art - Boat - Gimli
The reason why Articulation went to Gimli was to study Icelandic culture.
Gimli (New Iceland) is the largest Icelandic settlement outside Iceland. Back in 1875 and 1876 more than 1,000 Icelandic immigrants settled on the western shore of Lake Winnipeg on land the Canadian government gave them to govern independently.
We found Icelandic textiles old (as above in the Gimli museum) and new in the local shops.
A Whitefish boat up on the hard.
Evidence of the early dependence on fishing in Lake Winnipeg was found in many places up and down the western shore.
Hecla historic home
The Icelandic immigrants brought with them their architecture and woodworking skills.
Pickeral and wild rice
We sampled Canadian/Icelandic food whenever we came across it.
For more about Articulation's time in and around Gimli, check their