On Sunday I took the day off. Ron came up to Banff and we planned to go cross country skiing but it was cold and a bitter wind made it feel very cold. I hadn't packed my really cold weather gear. So we settled for a walk along the river.
The scenery was looking beautiful until I couldn't feel my thumb. We turned around and went back to the car. The Penhold Trail will have to wait until things warm up.
The beavers are still busy. We went back to the Banff Centre and had hot drinks in the Kiln coffee shop to warm up. At 6:00 we all met in the Other Gallery and took our work off the walls. We had called the exhibition
No More White Wallsso we returned the white walls.
Here is Donna plastering the holes we made. The next day another exhibition started moving in. We will be back at the end of the month, Friday 27th, with an Open House (wine and food supplied by the Leighton Centre), with the exhibit continuing over the weekend.