Etsy Ravenmade Works: Hill Tribe Embroidered Pillows
Dec 23, 2014
1 min read
SE Asian Hill Tribe embroidered pillows are the latest addition to my Etsy Shop
Ravenmade WorksI bought a worn western-styled jacket from a thrift store - that I forgot to take a picture of before I started unpicking it.
It was made from a collection of worn Hill Tribe embroideries pieced together to make the jacket for the tourist market.
I serged all of the raw edges to stabilise them.
Then gave them all a good soak in Oxyclean. No dye came out, I was relieved to see.
Next they were washed.
Then 'polished' to a damp-dry stage with a heavy, super-steam generating iron.
Then the pieces were put in the boiler room to dry quickly.
A short drying time prevents any would-be fugitive dyes from causing any trouble.
The ground fabric, with it's appliqued strips, originally had a stitched resist before being dipped repeatedly into an indigo vat to achieve the deep blue colour.
Before I ironed the pieces it was easy to see how the fabric had been folded and stitched.
The top part of the image shows how a solidly cross-stitched band has been attached to the appliqued indigo fabric.
These pieces of fabric were from different traditional garments made and worn by possibly the Akha Hill Tribe.
Akha Hill TribeI have reworked this beautiful hand embroidery yet again.
The one jacket is now 7 pillows of various sizes.
All are listed in my Etsy Shop
Ravenmade Works. Click here to drop by and see them.