I have an Etsy shop,
Ravenmade WorksHere is how I describe my shop.
Refreshed Artworks for the Home
The items in my shop are for people who want their home to be a living expression of themselves and a place where they are surrounded by things they love.
Used domestic linens, discarded embroideries, worn garments and vintage fabric hold a past history. I recycle, rework and refresh these textiles adding another story or layer of meaning, while honouring the original makers whose handwork is often still evident.
Customers who listen to their hearts when choosing home decor items create uniquely personal living spaces. As an artist producing small home decor items, I feel it is a privilege to play such an important role in my customers' lives.
I make collections of pillow covers, often using vintage ethnic and traditional textiles.
I collect wool embroideries, cut them apart then applique a variety of them together.
I take 2 different embroideries and weave them together.
These small works are framed and intended for the wall.
I add to my shop some of my smaller works that have been in exhibitions and have returned home.
This is the Micmac one from the 'Postcards From Fundy' series.
Please visit my Etsy Shop to see more works and to find out their background stories.
Etsy Shop Ravenmade Works