VISDA 'Current Threads 2016' Artists with their Work
Jul 24, 2016
1 min read
Judi MacLeod 'White Lady,' white linen, manipulated white cotton, hand and machine stitched
Judi led the this year's Current Threads exhibition committee. She led the hanging and compiled the artist statement binder among many other tasks.
A close up of 'White Lady' because my poor photography didn't really show any of the texture.
Committee member Sarah McLaren with her 'Van Gogh in Yellow,' cotton, silk, tulle, organdy; edge turned machine applique, free motion embroidery.
Sarah organised an elegant afternoon tea on the gallery verandah during the artist reception.
Committee member Dale MacEwan beside her work 'Nature's Patterns' (bottom - Karen Selk's work on top).'
Dale manipulated and printed on cotton 2 of her rock pattern photos then machine stitched into them.
Among the many tasks Dale worked on were registration and the show sitting schedule.
Many thanks to this year's Current Threads exhibition committee for doing an excellent job showcasing VISDA members work so well.
During the artist reception, I managed to catch 2 other artists with their work.
Susan Duffield 'Ragged End of Life' - stitched textile fragments mounted on painted canvas.
Louise Slobodan
Top - 'Ancient Pathways' - a collagraph printed on rust printed muslin with stitching.
Below - 'Arbutus Landscape' - Photographs printed on rust-print cotton with hand and machine stitching.
The exhibition is on for another week. I would recommend you visit if you are in the area.