Work In Progress - Cryosphere II, Hydrosphere
Aug 9, 2016
1 min read
I have the idea for my Yukon panels in Articulation's 'Provinces' exhibition.
I want to show the phase change when water hardens then melts.
I have settled on the colour scheme - white (not yellow-white), silver and cerulean blue.
I haul out from my stash all of the light to sheer fabrics in those colours.
I collect up all of the threads, papers, and embellishments in those colours.
I draft up a pattern for the size of the panels and cut it out in Tyvek.
Pinning the different sheers on the wall gives me an idea of their transparency and drape.
It is looking distinctly bridal in the studio.
Sampling, sampling, sampling.
I am sewing on different layered fabric sandwiches searching for the look I have in mind.
The burning and melting station is set up.
I test all of the fabrics and sandwiches with a heat gun and a burning tool.
I don't want brown so anything with cotton in it is put away.
I have settled on the colours and fabrics now I need to sample to find a technique that best expresses the idea. I have made lots of drawings and compiled many lists in my workbook.
Now is the 'percolation' phase. It takes time for the ideas to sort themselves out. I record these ideas in my workbook and continue sampling until the way forward is clear.